ASME Section IX Quiz

Welcome to our samples ASME Section IX Quiz, the ASME standard for welding and brazing qualifications. If you are professional looking for enhancing your understanding or a student preparing for certifications, or simply someone interested in checking knowledge of welding practices, these quizzes are helpful for them.

ASME Section IX is critical in ensuring the quality, safety, and efficiency of welded and brazed constructions across industries. These quizzes cover key topics such as procedure qualifications, performance qualifications, and material requirements, enabling you to test your grasp of the standard while identifying areas for improvement.

Lets check and challenge yourself as you explore the ASME Section IX Quiz. Happy learning!

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ASME Section IX Quiz-1

ASME Section IX quiz one should take before interview

1 / 10

A welder qualifying by making a groove weld on pipe with an O.D. of 26.1 in the 5G position is qualified to weld groove welds in

2 / 10

A welder qualifying with a groove weld welded from both sides is qualified to weld ________________

3 / 10

The PQR must list:

4 / 10

Charpy V-notch tests are performed to determine a weldment’s

5 / 10

Guided-bend specimens shall have no open defects in the weld or heat effected zone exceeding __________ measured in any direction on the convex surface of the specimen after bending.

6 / 10

The basic purpose of testing a welder is to establish the welder’s

7 / 10

When a tensile specimen breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or fusion line, the strength recorded may be at most ____ below the specified tensile and be accepted.

8 / 10

A welder is qualified welding in 5G position is qualified for  what position on plate ?

9 / 10

A welder qualifying with a groove weld in plate in the 4G position is qualified to weld groove welds in plate and pipe over 24”O.D. in at least the

10 / 10

What is the earliest Edition of Section IX recognized by the current edition?

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ASME Section IX Quiz-2

ASME Section IX quiz one should take before interview

1 / 10

Immediate retests of welders’ qualifications coupons:

2 / 10

Reduced-section tensile test specimens conforming to QW-462.1 (b) may be used on all thicknesses of pipe having an outside diameter greater than:

3 / 10

Which of the following welding processes are currently not permitted to be used with SWPs as referenced in Appendix E of ASME IX?

4 / 10

Groove weld test may be used for qualification of welders. Which of the following shall be used for evaluation if welding process is SMAW?

5 / 10

A welder qualified to weld in the 2G position on pipe would have to be qualified in which of the additional positions to qualify for all position groove welding on pipe?

6 / 10

A non-essential variable may be changes without re-qualification because:

7 / 10

A welder qualified for SMAW using an E7018 electrode is also qualified to weld with:

8 / 10

What period of inactivity from a given welding process requires the welder to re-qualify in that process?

9 / 10

When using radiographs to qualify welder, the acceptance standards used are found in

10 / 10

Tension tests may be used in lieu of bend tests to qualify welders or welding operators.

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ASME Section IX Quiz-3

ASME Section IX quiz one should take before interview

1 / 10

May a welder, qualified in the 2G position on ¼ inch thick plate, can weld a 1 inch outside diameter pipe, ¼ inch thick in the horizontal position without re-qualification?

2 / 10

A welder depositing 1/2" of weld metal with the SMAW process with 4 layers is qualified to deposit up to ____________ of weld metal.

3 / 10

A welding procedure must be qualified with impact tests only when required by the applicable construction code, such as ASME VIII Div.1

4 / 10

Who is responsible for qualification of welding procedures, welders and welding operators?

5 / 10

A variable that, when changed will cause a change in the mechanical properties of the weldment is called a:

6 / 10

Ferrous weld metal chemical composition may be designated using:

7 / 10

When using Macro-examination of fillet weld tests, the weld and the HAZ must not reveal cracks when magnified at

8 / 10

The data recorded on a PQR (non-editorial) may be changed provided :

9 / 10

May a welder who qualified using a double-groove weld, make a single V-groove weld without backing?

10 / 10

The maximum preheat temperature decrease allowed without re-qualification of a GMAW groove weld procedure is:

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ASME Section IX Quiz-4

ASME Section IX quiz one should take before interview

1 / 10

Which of the following is non-essential variable for PQR qualification for GTAW welding process

2 / 10

Welder can be qualified with volumetric NDE in lieu of  bend test required, the minimum testing length required for volumetric NDE is

3 / 10

Which of the following requires requalification of PQR if changed in production

4 / 10

The minimum and maximum base metal thickness qualified if PQR of material SA312 TP 304L(P8) is qualified with base metal thickness 18mm  and impact test is required in job

5 / 10

P No. for SA335 Gr. P91 is

6 / 10

A Welder qualified on plate with groove weld test assembly in 3g Position is also qualified to weld on pipe in

7 / 10

Welder Qualified for corrosion resistant overlay on 10 mm thick base metal can weld on

8 / 10

Which of the following is a essential variable for qualification of welding operator

9 / 10

Ultrasonic Examination for qualification of welders can be conducted on thickness over

10 / 10

PQR qualification for corrosion resistant overlay requires testing

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