ASME Section VIII Div 1Quiz/10 2 votes, 4.5 avg 234 Created on March 09, 2023ASME Section VIII Div 1 Quiz-1ASME Section VIII Div 1 quiz one should take before interview 1 / 10What is the depth of the notch for a charpy impact specimen 2. 5 mm 10 mm 2 mm 3 mm 2 / 10What is the minimum required thickness of a pressure vessel name plate >0.030 inch >0.100 inch >0.020 inch Shall be sufficient to resist distortion due to the application of the marking 3 / 10For a cylindrical shell that was designed for internal pressure the tolerance for out-of-roundness must be maintained and is based on the difference of the maximum and minimum inside diameters. This tolerance is; It shall not exceed 0.10% It shall not exceed 1% It shall not exceed 10% It shall not exceed 1.5% 4 / 10Which of the following is a category "D" welded joint in a pressure vessel Welding joint connecting a flange to main shell Longitudinal joint within the main shell Circumferential joint within the main shell Welded joint connecting a nozzle to main shell 5 / 10Two plates with different thickness of 20 mm and 14 mm are to be welded to connect shell of pressure vessel. How much minimum taper transition is required 18 mm 12 mm 24 mm 30 mm 6 / 10What is the maximum permitted temperature of a PWHT furnace at the time a pressure vessel is place in it 205 Deg. C 250 Deg. C 425 Deg. C 350 Deg. C 7 / 10A linear indication when using magnetic particle testing is described as one having a width greater than two times the length. having a length greater than four times the width. having a length greater than three times the width. having a width greater than three times the length. 8 / 10Which of the following describes a Standard Hydrostatic Test Test to be conducted at the calculated MAWP of the vessel. Test to be conducted at the calculated MAWP of the vessel multiplied by 1.5 Test to be conducted at the calculated MAWP of the vessel multiplied by 1.1 Test to be conducted at the calculated MAWP of the vessel multiplied by 1.3 9 / 10The mill under tolerance for a plate of 1/2” thickness in Section VIII Div.1 is 0.3 mm 0.75 mm 1 mm 6% of the thickness 10 / 10What will the joint category for shell connecting to hemispherical dish end Category-C Category-B Category-A Category-D Your score is LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback