Delta ferrite importance in SS welding

Stainless steel, known for its resistance to corrosion and staining, is a widely used material in various industries. Achieving a strong and durable weld in stainless steel is of paramount importance, and one crucial factor in achieving this is understanding the role of delta ferrite. Delta ferrite is a microstructural component of stainless steel, and its presence or absence can significantly impact the quality and performance of welds. In this article, we will explore the importance of delta ferrite in stainless steel welding, its role in microstructure development, and the various methods used to control its presence.

What is Stainless Steel?

Before delving into the importance of delta ferrite in stainless steel welding, it’s essential to have a fundamental understanding of stainless steel itself. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, chromium, and various other elements. It is distinguished by its exceptional corrosion resistance, making it a favored choice for applications in diverse industries, including construction, automotive, aerospace, and food processing.

The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is primarily due to the formation of a thin, passive oxide layer on the surface, primarily composed of chromium oxide. This oxide layer acts as a protective shield against corrosive substances, such as moisture and chemicals.

Microstructure of Stainless Steel

The microstructure of stainless steel plays a crucial role in determining its properties, including strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. Stainless steel microstructures are predominantly composed of two phases: austenite and ferrite. Austenite is a face-centered cubic (FCC) phase, while ferrite is a body-centered cubic (BCC) phase. The proportion of these two phases in the microstructure influences the stainless steel’s characteristics.

What Is delta ferrite and its importance in SS?

Delta ferrite, often referred to as δ-ferrite, is a specific form of ferrite found in stainless steel. It is called “delta” ferrite because it is stable at elevated temperatures. Delta ferrite forms when stainless steel undergoes solidification during welding or other high-temperature processes.

Its presence is vital in stainless steel welding for several reasons as below:

Thermal Expansion Matching

One of the key advantages of delta ferrite in stainless steel welding is its thermal expansion characteristics. Delta ferrite has a thermal expansion coefficient that is closer to that of the austenite phase than regular ferrite. This means that when stainless steel cools after welding, the presence of delta ferrite helps reduce residual stresses and the risk of distortion, ensuring a more stable and reliable weld.

Corrosion Resistance

While ferrite is generally more corrosion-prone than austenite, delta ferrite has improved corrosion resistance compared to regular ferrite. This is particularly beneficial in environments with high chloride concentrations, such as those encountered in marine or coastal applications. The presence of delta ferrite in the microstructure can enhance the overall corrosion resistance of the stainless steel weld.

Mechanical Properties

Delta ferrite can positively affect the mechanical properties of stainless steel. It can contribute to improved toughness and impact resistance, which is vital in applications where the material needs to withstand dynamic loads or sudden shocks.


Delta ferrite can influence the weldability of stainless steel. In welding, controlling the delta ferrite content is important to achieve a balance between good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. An appropriate level of delta ferrite can reduce the susceptibility to weld-related cracking, such as hot cracking and solidification cracking.

Delta ferrite can act as a barrier to the formation of harmful eutectic phases (such as Laves phases or sigma phases) that can contribute to liquation cracking in certain alloys. By serving as a preferential site for certain elements or impurities to segregate, delta ferrite helps to minimize the formation of these deleterious phases and, consequently, reduce the risk of liquation cracking.

It’s important to note that the presence of delta ferrite must be carefully managed and controlled to optimize the material’s properties for specific applications. Too much or too little delta ferrite can have adverse effects on the performance of stainless steel. Engineers and metallurgists consider factors such as alloy composition, welding procedures, and heat treatment to achieve the desired balance of properties while minimizing the risk of cracking.

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