The top 10 welding books by Indian authors for experts

Welding is a crucial skill in various industries, and these books can be valuable resources for professionals looking to enhance their expertise. Here’s a list of the top 10 welding books by Indian authors along with brief explanations for each: See Best 10 books for welding by any authors 1. “Welding Technology” by Dr. R. […]

The Top 10 Welding Books for Experts Explained

Welding, often referred to as the “welding arts,” is a highly specialized craft that demands a relentless pursuit of knowledge and expertise. Whether you’re an experienced welding professional seeking to elevate your skills or a budding expert aiming to refine your craft, the right books can be invaluable allies on your journey. In this article,

The Importance of Restricting Ni+Mn in P91 and P92 Welding

In the world of metallurgy and welding, certain alloy steels are revered for their exceptional high-temperature properties, among them being P91 and P92. These alloys find extensive use in power plants, industrial boilers, and other high-temperature applications. However, there’s an interesting restriction imposed on these materials: the combined content of Nickel (Ni) and Manganese (Mn)

Why E9015-B91 preferred over E9018-B91 for P91 welding?

Welding P91 material, a high-strength, heat-resistant alloy often used in high-temperature applications such as power plants, requires careful consideration of the welding process and the choice of welding electrodes. Both E9015-B91 and E9018-B91 electrodes can be used for this purpose, but E9015-B91 is preferred.

E347 is preferred over E321 welding of SS321?

The selection of a specific welding electrode for welding stainless steel, such as SS321, depends on various factors including the application, welding process, and the desired properties of the weld joint. E347 and E321 are both stainless steel welding electrodes, but they have different chemical compositions and are designed for different purposes: Chemical composition of

What is Welding Porosity? Causes, Prevention & Fixes

Porosity is defined as “Cavity-type discontinuities formed by gas entrapment during solidification or in a
thermal spray deposit.” The porosity may be surface or subsurface, a single cavity, aligned, or clustered, and is represented by the following figures.

What is lethal service?

Lethal service in piping refers to a condition where the substances being transported through the piping system are hazardous, toxic, or potentially deadly if they leak or are mishandled. These substances can include corrosive chemicals, highly flammable materials, poisonous gases, or other dangerous materials. Piping systems used in lethal service applications typically require special design,

The X-Factor: What You Need to Know and Why

Regardless of the welding process you use, there are always several factors to consider in order to achieve the best weld quality. From selecting the correct power source to choosing an appropriate filler metal and the most durable gun or torch, each item contributes significantly to the overall success of the application.But what about other

What is temper embrittlement?

Temper embrittlement is a phenomenon in metallurgy where certain materials, particularly alloys and steels, become susceptible to brittle fracture and reduced toughness when exposed to specific temperature ranges. This embrittlement occurs as a result of changes in the microstructure of the material, leading to a decrease in its ductility and impact resistance. The primary mechanism