Non-Destructive Testing Methods

To ensure the satisfactory performance of a component/structure, the component shall be tested with adequate testing procedure with the adequate testing method. Which in general specifies component can be used in the service requirement specified. Soundness to the purpose of component can be determined by either destructive or non-destructive testing of the component. But as […]

P-Number, Group No, F-Number and A-Number in welding (ASME Section IX)

ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code (BPVC) Section IX has assigned certain numbers to base metals to minimize the number of procedure and qualifications these are P-Number, Group No, F-Number and A-Number in welding. Base metals are categorized as P number is further divided in group numbers based essentially on comparable base metal characteristics, such

Preheat in Welding

Welding is a critical process used in various industries to join metals and create strong, durable structures. To ensure the quality and integrity of welded joints, various factors must be considered, and one of the most crucial steps in this process is preheating. Preheating in welding is a method of raising the temperature of the

Welder Qualification (WPQ) as per ASME Section IX

For fabrication of any equipment we require welders and welding operators must be qualified as per the qualification standard referred by the construction code. Whenever construction is as per ASME construction codes (like ASME B31.1, B31.3 or ASME section VIII) ASME section IX is used for the qualification of the procedure and welder. Welder is

Welder’s Diameter Restrictions and Position Qualified

This article is about diameter restrictions and welding position qualification involves in welder and welding operator qualification as per ASME Section IX. Diameter Restriction for Welder Qualification (as per QW-303) 1) If welder is qualified by groove weld during test, then the qualification range will be below (as per table QW-452.3 and table QW-452.6) Note:

Thickness Qualification Range for PQR and WPQ

In this article we will discuss the thickness qualification range of base metal and weld metal for Procedure qualification and Welder performance qualification as per ASME code. Thickness Qualification Limit for Procedure Qualification (PQR) 1) As per ASME Section IX a) For Groove Weld (As per table QW-451.1) Note- For PQR there is no any

P91 Material Welding Requirement

In this article we will discuss about the P91 material basics, welding requirement, consumable selection, welding process selection, microstructure, application. P91 Material The use of P(T)91 materials is worldwide. There are various sources for base materials, welding consumables, and fabrication or components. The art is such that few welding problems are encountered. The desire to

Manual, Semi-Automatic, Machine and Automatic Welding

In this article we have discussed about the difference between welder and welding operator, purpose of their qualification and how ASME section IX divided the welding in manual, semi-automatic, machine and automatic welding.

Important Interview Questions-Welding & Quality Engineer

Below mentioned question is likely to be asked in Interview Questions Welding & Quality Engineer should must prepare for these question before interview. Q1. What is sour service? Q.2 Why Ni is restricted up to 1% max. for sour service? Q3. What is the role of delta ferrite in stainless steel welding? Q4. Why PWHT is